/* * filmoteca - web interface * * compile with: cc -o filmoteca -Wall -Wno-parentheses -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -fno-diagnostics-show-caret -fno-diagnostics-color -static -O2 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 filmoteca.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define nil NULL typedef unsigned int uint; typedef long long vlong; typedef unsigned long long uvlong; enum { Sok = 200, Spartial = 206, Sbadreq = 400, Sforbid = 403, Snotfound = 404, Snotrange = 416, Sinternal = 500, Snotimple = 501, Swrongver = 505, }; char *statusmsg[] = { [Sok] "OK", [Spartial] "Partial Content", [Sbadreq] "Bad Request", [Sforbid] "Forbidden", [Snotfound] "Not Found", [Snotrange] "Range Not Satisfiable", [Sinternal] "Internal Server Error", [Snotimple] "Not Implemented", [Swrongver] "HTTP Version Not Supported", }; typedef struct Movie Movie; typedef struct Multipart Multipart; typedef struct Part Part; typedef struct Series Series; typedef struct Season Season; typedef struct Episode Episode; typedef struct Resource Resource; struct Movie { char *release; /* release date */ int hassynopsis; /* is there a synopsis, */ int hascover; /* cover, */ int hasvideo; /* video, */ int hashistory; /* or history file? */ char **subs; /* list of subtitle languages */ int nsub; char **dubs; /* list of revoicing languages */ int ndub; char **extras; /* list of extra content */ int nextra; char **remakes; /* list of remake years */ int nremake; }; struct Multipart { char *release; /* release date */ int hassynopsis; /* is there a synopsis, */ int hascover; /* cover, */ int hashistory; /* or history file? */ Part *part0; /* list of parts */ char **extras; /* list of extra content */ int nextra; char **remakes; /* list of remake years */ int nremake; }; struct Part { int no; /* part number */ char **subs; /* list of subtitle languages */ int nsub; char **dubs; /* list of revoicing languages */ int ndub; Part *next; }; struct Series { int hassynopsis; /* is there a synopsis, */ int hascover; /* cover, */ int hashistory; /* or history file? */ Season *s; /* list of seasons */ char **extras; /* list of extra content */ int nextra; char **remakes; /* list of remake years */ int nremake; }; struct Season { char *release; /* release date */ int no; /* season number */ Episode *pilot; /* list of episodes */ Season *next; }; struct Episode { int no; /* episode number */ int hasvideo; /* is there a video file? */ char **subs; /* list of subtitle languages */ int nsub; char **dubs; /* list of revoicing languages */ int ndub; Episode *next; }; enum { Rmovie, Rmulti, Rserie, Runknown }; struct Resource { int type; union { Movie movie; Multipart multi; Series serie; }; }; typedef struct Req Req; typedef struct Res Res; typedef struct HField HField; struct Req { char *method, *target, *version; HField *fields; }; struct Res { int status; HField *fields; }; struct HField { char *key, *value; HField *next; }; char httpver[] = "HTTP/1.1"; char srvname[] = "filmoteca"; char errmsg[] = "NO MOVIES HERE"; char listhead[] = "\n\n\n" "\n" "Filmoteca\n" "\n\n" "


\n"; char listfeet[] = "\n\n"; char portalhead[] = "\n\n\n" "\n" "Filmoteca - %s\n" "\n\n
\n" "


\n"; char portalcover[] = "\n"; char portalrelease[] = "\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\n" "\t\t\n\t\n
Release"; char portalmoviestream[] = "
Streamlink"; char portalmultistream[] = "
Stream"; char portalseriestream[] = "
Stream"; char portalsynopsis[] = "
Synopsis"; char portalhistory[] = "
History"; char portalsub[] = "
Subs"; char portaldub[] = "
Dubs"; char portalextra[] = "
Extras"; char portalfeet[] = "
\n\n"; char stylepath[] = "/home/pi/lib/film/style.css"; char fvicopath[] = "/home/pi/lib/film/favicon.ico"; char wdir[] = "/home/pi/films"; Req *req; Res *res; void hfatal(char *); /* a crappy mimic of the original */ void sysfatal(char *s) { perror(s); exit(1); } void * emalloc(ulong n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(p == nil) hfatal("malloc"); memset(p, 0, n); return p; } void * erealloc(void *ptr, ulong n) { void *p; p = realloc(ptr, n); if(p == nil) hfatal("realloc"); return p; } long truestrlen(char *s) { char *e; int waste; waste = 0; for(e = s; *e != 0; e++) if(*e == '%'){ waste++; if(*(e+1) == '%'){ e += 2; continue; } /* rudimentary but works for me. */ while(isalnum(*++e) || *e == '.') waste++; } return e-s-waste; } int numcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { int na, nb; char **sa = (char **)a; char **sb = (char **)b; na = strtol(*sa, nil, 0); nb = strtol(*sb, nil, 0); return na - nb; } int stringcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { char **sa = (char **)a; char **sb = (char **)b; return strcmp(*sa, *sb); } int urldecode(char *url, char *out, long n) { char *o, *ep; int c; ep = url+n; for(o = out; url <= ep; o++){ c = *url++; if(c == '%' && (!isxdigit(*url++) || !isxdigit(*url++) || !sscanf(url-2, "%2x", &c))) return -1; *o = c; } return o - out; } int mimetype(int fd, char *mime, long len) { char m[256]; uvlong n; int pf[2]; char *argv[] = { "sh", "-c", "file -i - | sed 's/^.*:\\s*//' | tr -d '\\n'", nil, }; memset(m, 0, sizeof m); if(pipe(pf) < 0) return -1; switch(fork()){ case -1: return -1; case 0: close(pf[0]); dup2(fd, 0); dup2(pf[1], 1); close(pf[1]); execv("/bin/sh", argv); sysfatal("execl"); default: close(pf[1]); if((n = read(pf[0], m, sizeof(m)-1)) < 0) return -1; close(pf[0]); /* file(1) is not that good at guessing. */ if(strcmp(req->target, "/style") == 0) strncpy(m, "text/css; charset=utf-8", sizeof(m)-1); if(strncmp(m, "audio", 5) == 0) strncpy(m, "video", 5); strncpy(mime, m, len); wait(nil); } return 0; } int filldirlist(char *path, char ***l, int *len) { DIR *d; struct dirent *dir; d = opendir(path); if(d == nil) return -1; while((dir = readdir(d)) != nil) if(strcmp(dir->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dir->d_name, "..") != 0){ *l = erealloc(*l, ++*len*sizeof(char *)); (*l)[*len-1] = strdup(dir->d_name); } closedir(d); return 0; } void insertepisode(Season *s, Episode *e, int no) { Episode *ep, *olde; olde = nil; if(s->pilot == nil){ s->pilot = e; return; } for(ep = s->pilot; ep != nil && ep->no < e->no; olde = ep, ep = ep->next) ; if(olde == nil) s->pilot = e; else olde->next = e; e->next = ep; } HField * allochdr(char *k, char *v) { HField *h; h = emalloc(sizeof(HField)); h->key = strdup(k); h->value = strdup(v); return h; } void freehdr(HField *h) { HField *hn; while(h != nil){ hn = h->next; free(h->value); free(h->key); free(h); h = hn; } } void inserthdr(HField **h, char *k, char *v) { while(*h != nil) h = &(*h)->next; *h = allochdr(k, v); } char * lookuphdr(HField *h, char *k) { while(h != nil){ if(strcmp(h->key, k) == 0) return h->value; h = h->next; } return nil; } Req * allocreq(char *meth, char *targ, char *vers) { Req *r; r = emalloc(sizeof(Req)); r->method = strdup(meth); r->target = strdup(targ); r->version = strdup(vers); return r; } void freereq(Req *r) { freehdr(r->fields); free(r->version); free(r->target); free(r->method); free(r); } Res * allocres(int sc) { Res *r; r = emalloc(sizeof(Res)); r->status = sc; inserthdr(&r->fields, "Server", srvname); return r; } void freeres(Res *r) { freehdr(r->fields); free(r); } int hprint(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int rc; va_start(ap, fmt); rc = vprintf(fmt, ap); rc += printf("\r\n"); va_end(ap); return rc; } void hstline(int sc) { hprint("%s %d %s", httpver, sc, statusmsg[sc]); } void hprinthdr(void) { HField *hp; hstline(res->status); for(hp = res->fields; hp != nil; hp = hp->next) hprint("%s: %s", hp->key, hp->value); hprint(""); fflush(stdout); } void hfail(int sc) { char clen[16]; res = allocres(sc); snprintf(clen, sizeof clen, "%u", strlen(errmsg)); inserthdr(&res->fields, "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); inserthdr(&res->fields, "Content-Length", clen); hprinthdr(); hprint("%s", errmsg); hprint(""); exit(0); } void hfatal(char *ctx) { hstline(Sinternal); hprint("Content-Type: %s", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); hprint("Content-Length: %u", strlen(errmsg)); hprint(""); hprint("%s", errmsg); hprint(""); fflush(stdout); sysfatal(ctx); } void hparsereq(void) { char *line, *meth, *targ, *vers, *k, *v; uint linelen; int n; n = getline(&line, &linelen, stdin); meth = strtok(line, " "); targ = strtok(nil, " "); vers = strtok(nil, " \r"); if(meth == nil || targ == nil || vers == nil) hfail(Sbadreq); if(targ[strlen(targ)-1] == '/') targ[strlen(targ)-1] = 0; req = allocreq(meth, targ, vers); while((n = getline(&line, &linelen, stdin)) > 0){ if(strcmp(line, "\r\n") == 0) break; k = strtok(line, ": "); v = strtok(nil, " \r"); if(k == nil || v == nil) hfail(Sbadreq); inserthdr(&req->fields, k, v); } } void sendfile(FILE *f, struct stat *fst) { char buf[128*1024], mime[256], *s, crstr[6+3*16+1+1+1], clstr[16]; uvlong brange[2], n, clen; n = clen = 0; if(mimetype(fileno(f), mime, sizeof mime) < 0) hfatal("sendfile: mimetype"); clen = fst->st_size; if((s = lookuphdr(req->fields, "Range")) != nil){ while(!isdigit(*++s) && *s != 0) ; if(*s == 0) hfail(Sbadreq); brange[0] = strtoull(s, &s, 0); if(*s++ != '-') hfail(Sbadreq); if(!isdigit(*s)) brange[1] = fst->st_size-1; else brange[1] = strtoull(s, &s, 0); if(brange[0] > brange[1] || brange[1] >= fst->st_size){ res = allocres(Snotrange); snprintf(crstr, sizeof crstr, "bytes */%llu", fst->st_size); }else{ res = allocres(Spartial); fseeko(f, brange[0], SEEK_SET); clen = brange[1]-brange[0]+1; snprintf(crstr, sizeof crstr, "bytes %llu-%llu/%llu", brange[0], brange[1], fst->st_size); } inserthdr(&res->fields, "Content-Range", crstr); }else res = allocres(Sok); inserthdr(&res->fields, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); inserthdr(&res->fields, "Content-Type", mime); snprintf(clstr, sizeof clstr, "%llu", clen); inserthdr(&res->fields, "Content-Length", clstr); if((s = lookuphdr(req->fields, "Connection")) != nil) inserthdr(&res->fields, "Connection", s); hprinthdr(); if(strcmp(req->method, "HEAD") == 0) return; while(clen -= n, !feof(f) && clen > 0){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, f); if(ferror(f)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, stdout) <= 0) break; } } void sendlist(char *path) { FILE *f; struct stat fst; char **dirlist; int i, ndir; ndir = 0; dirlist = nil; f = tmpfile(); if(f == nil) hfatal("sendlist: tmpfile"); filldirlist(path, &dirlist, &ndir); qsort(dirlist, ndir, sizeof(char *), stringcmp); fprintf(f, listhead); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(i = 0; i < ndir; i++) fprintf(f, "
  • %s
  • \n", strcmp(req->target, "/") == 0 ? "" : req->target, dirlist[i], dirlist[i]); fprintf(f, "
\n"); fprintf(f, listfeet); fseeko(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if(fstat(fileno(f), &fst) < 0) switch(errno){ case EACCES: hfail(Sforbid); case ENOENT: hfail(Snotfound); default: hfatal("sendlist: fstat"); } sendfile(f, &fst); fclose(f); } void sendportal(char *path) { Resource r; Part *p; Season *s; Episode *e; FILE *f, *auxf; struct stat fst; DIR *root, *d, *ed; struct dirent *rdir, *dir, *edir; char *title, *line, auxpath[512], buf[1024]; uint linelen; int n, sno, canintrosubs, canintrodubs, canintroseason; p = nil; s = nil; e = nil; sno = 0; memset(&r, 0, sizeof(Resource)); r.type = Runknown; memset(auxpath, 0, sizeof auxpath); title = strrchr(path, '/'); if(*++title == 0) hfail(Sbadreq); root = opendir(path); if(root == nil) hfatal("sendportal: opendir"); while((rdir = readdir(root)) != nil){ switch(r.type){ case Runknown: break; case Rmovie: if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "release") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); f = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(f == nil) goto Rogue; n = getline(&line, &linelen, f); if(line[n-1] == '\n') line[(n--)-1] = 0; r.movie.release = strdup(line); fclose(f); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "synopsis") == 0) r.movie.hassynopsis++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "cover") == 0) r.movie.hascover++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "video") == 0) r.movie.hasvideo++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "history") == 0) r.movie.hashistory++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "sub") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.movie.subs, &r.movie.nsub); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "dub") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.movie.dubs, &r.movie.ndub); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "extra") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.movie.extras, &r.movie.nextra); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "remake") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.movie.remakes, &r.movie.nremake); } continue; case Rmulti: if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "release") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); f = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(f == nil) goto Rogue; n = getline(&line, &linelen, f); if(line[n-1] == '\n') line[(n--)-1] = 0; r.multi.release = strdup(line); fclose(f); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "synopsis") == 0) r.multi.hassynopsis++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "cover") == 0) r.multi.hascover++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "history") == 0) r.multi.hashistory++; else if(strncmp(rdir->d_name, "video", 5) == 0){ if(p == nil){ r.multi.part0 = emalloc(sizeof(Part)); p = r.multi.part0; }else{ p->next = emalloc(sizeof(Part)); p = p->next; } p->no = strtol(rdir->d_name+5, nil, 0); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/sub%d", path, p->no); filldirlist(auxpath, &p->subs, &p->nsub); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/dub%d", path, p->no); filldirlist(auxpath, &p->dubs, &p->ndub); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "extra") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.multi.extras, &r.multi.nextra); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "remake") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.multi.remakes, &r.multi.nremake); } continue; case Rserie: if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "synopsis") == 0) r.serie.hassynopsis++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "cover") == 0) r.serie.hascover++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "history") == 0) r.serie.hashistory++; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "release") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); f = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(f == nil) goto Rogue; while((n = getline(&line, &linelen, f)) > 0){ sno++; if(line[n-1] == '\n') line[(n--)-1] = 0; if(!isdigit(*line)) continue; if(s == nil){ r.serie.s = emalloc(sizeof(Season)); s = r.serie.s; }else{ s->next = emalloc(sizeof(Season)); s = s->next; } s->release = strdup(line); s->no = sno; e = nil; snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/s/%d", path, s->no); d = opendir(auxpath); if(d == nil) goto Rogue; while((dir = readdir(d)) != nil){ if(!isdigit(dir->d_name[0])) continue; e = emalloc(sizeof(Episode)); e->no = strtol(dir->d_name, nil, 0); insertepisode(s, e, e->no); /* * it must be e->no instead of dir->d_name. we need to * handle ranged episode folders, like `s/1/1-2' in * Battlestar Galactica. or perhaps split the episode. */ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/s/%d/%s", path, s->no, dir->d_name); ed = opendir(auxpath); if(ed == nil) goto Rogue; while((edir = readdir(ed)) != nil){ if(strcmp(edir->d_name, "video") == 0) e->hasvideo++; else if(strcmp(edir->d_name, "sub") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/s/%d/%d/%s", path, s->no, e->no, edir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &e->subs, &e->nsub); }else if(strcmp(edir->d_name, "dub") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/s/%d/%d/%s", path, s->no, e->no, edir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &e->dubs, &e->ndub); } } closedir(ed); } closedir(d); } fclose(f); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "extra") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.serie.extras, &r.serie.nextra); }else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "remake") == 0){ snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/%s", path, rdir->d_name); filldirlist(auxpath, &r.serie.remakes, &r.serie.nremake); } continue; } if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "video") == 0) r.type = Rmovie; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "video1") == 0) r.type = Rmulti; else if(strcmp(rdir->d_name, "s") == 0) r.type = Rserie; if(r.type != Runknown) rewinddir(root); } closedir(root); if(r.type == Runknown){ Rogue: sendlist(path); exit(0); } f = tmpfile(); if(f == nil) hfatal("sendportal: tmpfile"); fprintf(f, portalhead, title, title); switch(r.type){ case Rmovie: if(r.movie.hascover) fprintf(f, portalcover, req->target, req->target); fprintf(f, portalrelease); fwrite(r.movie.release, 1, strlen(r.movie.release), f); fprintf(f, portalmoviestream, req->target); if(r.movie.hassynopsis){ fprintf(f, portalsynopsis); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/synopsis", path); auxf = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(auxf == nil) break; while(!feof(auxf)){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, auxf); if(ferror(auxf)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, f) <= 0) break; } fclose(auxf); } if(r.movie.hashistory){ fprintf(f, portalhistory); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/history", path); auxf = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(auxf == nil) break; while(!feof(auxf)){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, auxf); if(ferror(auxf)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, f) <= 0) break; } fclose(auxf); } if(r.movie.nsub > 0){ fprintf(f, portalsub); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(; r.movie.nsub--; r.movie.subs++) fprintf(f, "
  • %s
  • \n", req->target, *r.movie.subs, *r.movie.subs); fprintf(f, "
"); } if(r.movie.ndub > 0){ fprintf(f, portaldub); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(; r.movie.ndub--; r.movie.dubs++) fprintf(f, "
  • %s
  • \n", req->target, *r.movie.dubs, *r.movie.dubs); fprintf(f, "
"); } if(r.movie.nextra > 0){ fprintf(f, portalextra); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(; r.movie.nextra--; r.movie.extras++) fprintf(f, "
  • %s
  • \n", req->target, *r.movie.extras, *r.movie.extras); fprintf(f, "
"); } break; case Rmulti: if(r.multi.hascover) fprintf(f, portalcover, req->target, req->target); fprintf(f, portalrelease); fwrite(r.multi.release, 1, strlen(r.multi.release), f); fprintf(f, portalmultistream, req->target); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(p = r.multi.part0; p != nil; p = p->next) fprintf(f, "
  • Part %d
  • \n", req->target, p->no, p->no); fprintf(f, "
"); if(r.multi.hassynopsis){ fprintf(f, portalsynopsis); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/synopsis", path); auxf = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(auxf == nil) break; while(!feof(auxf)){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, auxf); if(ferror(auxf)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, f) <= 0) break; } fclose(auxf); } if(r.multi.hashistory){ fprintf(f, portalhistory); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/history", path); auxf = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(auxf == nil) break; while(!feof(auxf)){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, auxf); if(ferror(auxf)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, f) <= 0) break; } fclose(auxf); } canintrosubs = canintrodubs = 1; for(p = r.multi.part0; p != nil; p = p->next) if(p->nsub > 0){ if(canintrosubs) fprintf(f, portalsub), canintrosubs--; fprintf(f, "
  • Part %d", p->no); fprintf(f, "
      \n"); for(; p->nsub--; p->subs++) fprintf(f, "
    • %s
    • \n", req->target, p->no, *p->subs, *p->subs); fprintf(f, "
\n"); } for(p = r.multi.part0; p != nil; p = p->next) if(p->ndub > 0){ if(canintrodubs) fprintf(f, portaldub), canintrodubs--; fprintf(f, "
  • Part %d", p->no); fprintf(f, "
      \n"); for(; p->ndub--; p->dubs++) fprintf(f, "
    • %s
    • \n", req->target, p->no, *p->dubs, *p->dubs); fprintf(f, "
\n"); } if(r.movie.nextra > 0){ fprintf(f, portalextra); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(; r.movie.nextra--; r.movie.extras++) fprintf(f, "
  • %s
  • \n", req->target, *r.movie.extras, *r.movie.extras); fprintf(f, "
"); } break; case Rserie: if(r.serie.hascover) fprintf(f, portalcover, req->target, req->target); fprintf(f, portalrelease); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(s = r.serie.s; s != nil; s = s->next) fprintf(f, "
  • Season %d on %s
  • \n", s->no, s->release); fprintf(f, "
"); fprintf(f, portalseriestream); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(s = r.serie.s; s != nil; s = s->next){ fprintf(f, "
  • Season %d", s->no); fprintf(f, "
      \n"); for(e = s->pilot; e != nil; e = e->next) if(e->hasvideo) fprintf(f, "
    • Episode %d
    • \n", req->target, s->no, e->no, e->no); else fprintf(f, "
    • Episode %d is unavailable
    • \n", e->no); fprintf(f, "
  • \n"); } fprintf(f, "
"); if(r.serie.hassynopsis){ fprintf(f, portalsynopsis); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/synopsis", path); auxf = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(auxf == nil) break; while(!feof(auxf)){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, auxf); if(ferror(auxf)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, f) <= 0) break; } fclose(auxf); } if(r.serie.hashistory){ fprintf(f, portalhistory); snprintf(auxpath, sizeof auxpath, "%s/history", path); auxf = fopen(auxpath, "r"); if(auxf == nil) break; while(!feof(auxf)){ n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, auxf); if(ferror(auxf)) break; if(fwrite(buf, 1, n, f) <= 0) break; } fclose(auxf); } canintrosubs = canintrodubs = 1; for(s = r.serie.s; s != nil; s = s->next){ canintroseason = 1; for(e = s->pilot; e != nil; e = e->next) if(e->nsub > 0){ if(canintrosubs) fprintf(f, portalsub), canintrosubs--; if(canintroseason) fprintf(f, "
  • Season %d", s->no), canintroseason--; fprintf(f, "
      \n"); for(; e->nsub--; e->subs++) fprintf(f, "
    • Episode %d: %s
    • \n", e->no, req->target, s->no, e->no, *e->subs, *e->subs); fprintf(f, "
    "); } if(!canintroseason) fprintf(f, "
\n"); } for(s = r.serie.s; s != nil; s = s->next){ canintroseason = 1; for(e = s->pilot; e != nil; e = e->next) if(e->ndub > 0){ if(canintrodubs) fprintf(f, portaldub), canintrodubs--; if(canintroseason) fprintf(f, "
  • Season %d", s->no), canintroseason--; fprintf(f, "
      \n"); for(; e->ndub--; e->dubs++) fprintf(f, "
    • Episode %d: %s
    • \n", e->no, req->target, s->no, e->no, *e->dubs, *e->dubs); fprintf(f, "
    "); } if(!canintroseason) fprintf(f, "
\n"); } if(r.serie.nextra > 0){ fprintf(f, portalextra); fprintf(f, "
    \n"); for(; r.serie.nextra--; r.serie.extras++) fprintf(f, "
  • %s
  • \n", req->target, *r.serie.extras, *r.serie.extras); fprintf(f, "
"); } break; default: goto Rogue; } fprintf(f, portalfeet); fseeko(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if(fstat(fileno(f), &fst) < 0) switch(errno){ case EACCES: hfail(Sforbid); case ENOENT: hfail(Snotfound); default: hfatal("sendportal: fstat"); } sendfile(f, &fst); fclose(f); } int main() { FILE *f; struct stat fst; char path[512]; memset(path, 0, sizeof path); hparsereq(); if(strcmp(req->method, "GET") != 0 && strcmp(req->method, "HEAD") != 0) hfail(Snotimple); if(strcmp(req->version, httpver) != 0) hfail(Swrongver); if(strcmp(req->target, "/style") == 0) strncpy(path, stylepath, sizeof(path)-1); else if(strcmp(req->target, "/favicon.ico") == 0) strncpy(path, fvicopath, sizeof(path)-1); else snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s%s", wdir, req->target); if(urldecode(path, path, strlen(path)) < 0) hfail(Sbadreq); if(stat(path, &fst) < 0) switch(errno){ case EACCES: hfail(Sforbid); case ENOENT: hfail(Snotfound); default: hfatal("stat"); } if(S_ISREG(fst.st_mode)){ f = fopen(path, "r"); if(f == nil) hfatal("fopen"); sendfile(f, &fst); fclose(f); }else sendportal(path); exit(0); }